29 May 2013


I am coming back to this blog at a time in which I really should be using my writing. It's funny as I read some of the old posts I wrote when I was back in college. I kept a few of the ones I thought really relate to me still or that are just important to my life in general.

I am coming back here because my words on paper seem to resonate and help me more than the words out of my mouth. We all go through things, ups and downs and twists and turns. We all cry, suffer, rejoice, etc. I am here to share those emotions. I originally used this blog to basically vent and rant. I feel like I need to alter that a little and use this platform for more than that. I need to connect myself more rather than to throw my feelings on a page and forget about it and hope people feel the same way I do. That was just immature and it got boring. I stopped doing that because I became tired of spilling my guts out and venting to a seemingly empty audience. I realize now that it doesn't matter. Who cares about statistics and who is gonna rant and rave about what you did. If anything, I can reach someone who I don't even know and they won't say a word. Deep in their mind, they are thinking and something is brought up inside them. Just as I react  when I watch or read other blogs/vlogs.

A lot has changed since those last posts and it's really all for the better in my opinion.

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